How to Upload Profile Picture on Freelancer

Are you looking to get more freelance clients on Upwork in 2021? Refreshing your profile is a great identify to kickoff.

Creating a winning profile is the offset step to becoming a successful freelancer on Upwork. A stiff contour can increase your profile views, enhance confidence in your abilities, and lead to higher-quality invites from potential clients. Fifty-fifty if you lot're relatively new to Upwork, your profile is an opportunity to create a positive start impression.

Every part of your Upwork profile matters. 100% complete profiles will utilise nigh, if not all, of these different sections:

  • Title
  • Overview
  • Contour picture
  • Skills
  • Education
  • Employment experience
  • Certifications
  • Portfolio
  • Other experiences

Completing your profile doesn't just give clients the info they need, information technology likewise helps Upwork match you lot with more relevant projects. Plus, if you want a trusted Rise Talent or Meridian Rated condition badge, you'll need a 100% complete profile.

Need inspiration before you get started? Consider how these 9 successful Upwork freelancers utilize their portfolio to showcase their experience and expertise in the all-time light.

Top customer service consultant contour

This contour does a great chore of demonstrating Chloe's value as an Upwork freelancer. If you take won prestigious awards or been recognized in your manufacture, information technology can be beneficial to include it in your overview.

Well-nigh the entire left side of Chloe'southward profile is filled with private talent clouds. A Talent Cloud network is an Upwork Enterprise customer'due south individual group of professional freelancers and agencies. Working with an Upwork Enterprise customer adds you to their Talent Cloud network, which means yous'll be at the top of the list when that client'southward hiring managers search for freelancers and agencies with your skills.

Customer Service

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Top web designer contour

Upwork profiles for creative roles are organized to highlight the portfolio at the top of the folio. Petro does an first-class chore of using detailed, colorful, and stylized images for his portfolio. The portfolio flows well into his overview text that focuses on UI/UX web design. It's structured to be easily read and uses a mix of customized bullet points, short paragraphs, and an ordered list. Petro also includes a date in the overview that notes when it was last updated. This date tells potential clients that the freelancer is active and available on the platform.

Web designer

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Tiptop mobile app developer profile

Scott'south profile stands out because at that place'due south a department in his overview that describes how he helps clients. This section of the overview is valuable because it shifts the focus to addressing the prospective client's needs. When a customer is looking to hire someone, they want a freelancer who understands their problem and can help them solve information technology. Writing a profile focused on solving a client's situation and not on yourself will give you a unique advantage.

Run across full contour

Top virtual banana profile

Upwork lets freelancers link their portfolio pieces to recent Upwork project reviews. Jasmine takes advantage of this feature. By linking these elements together, potential clients tin quickly identify how her portfolio lines up with past projects and ratings. Jasmine as well does a swell chore of incorporating testimonials from outside of Upwork in the testimonials section. This profile example provides social proof to potential clients that Jasmine can exist successful with their projects.

Virtual Assistant

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Top east-commerce profile

Nick's contour does a great job of focusing on a specific niche. Rather than talking about all e-commerce platforms, he chooses to emphasize his Shopify experience. His well-written overview blends paragraphs and bulleted lists to make information technology easy for prospective clients to read. Nick closes his overview by encouraging potential clients to look through his portfolio and provides a next step for scheduling a meeting to discuss all of the client's needs. A phone call-to-activity at the end of your contour is an effective way to get more invitations to interview.


Run across full profile

Top digital marketer profile

A unique title can catch attention and make potential clients want to learn more nigh a freelancer. Evan's title does an splendid job of highlighting his experience as a digital marketer by mentioning his xv years of experience and being Google certified. One time you click and scroll through Evan's contour, you tin too meet that he has 6 verified Google certifications listed. These certifications validate the experience mentioned in his championship and brand him a more desirable candidate.

Digital marketer

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Summit social media manager contour

Gabrielle'south profile showcases that clients often use different words and phrases when looking for a freelancer. In her Upwork Piece of work History section, there are projects described using the post-obit different phrases:

  • Social media marketing
  • Social media strategy session
  • Social media strategist
  • Instagram and marketing strategy
  • Social media managing director
  • Social media content
  • Facebook ads script

While all of these are uniquely titled, they comprehend the same skills and have large overlaps in project expectations. Gabrielle was able to become these jobs because her listed skills cover a wide range related to social media. Consider all of the ways that potential clients may describe their problem, and make certain your profile and skills address those phrases in your profile.

Social media marketer

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Top lead generation specialist profile

Richard's profile is an splendid example of taking a general action, "lead gen," and making information technology more than specific by focusing on ways that he tin help clients. Starting with his title and reinforced throughout the entire contour, Richard shows how he creates more business leads. His professional video introduction provides a personal connexion that encourages taking the next step.

Lead generation

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Peak graphic designer profile

Rachel's Upwork profile utilizes the designer layout to showcase her portfolio at the top of the folio. In her portfolio, you lot tin see three real examples of her production design and graphic design projects. The layout smoothly transitions into a detailed overview highlighting her experience and describes a specific niche she serves, start-up east-commerce. In her well-organized overview, Rachel lists out the graphic design services she offers and her graphic design program proficiencies.

Graphic designer

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Next steps

At present that y'all've reviewed these ix profiles, you lot accept some excellent examples of ways to make your contour stand out and become more clients. Earlier publishing your updated championship, overview, and other features on your profile, brand sure to proofread for spelling errors, typos, or grammatical errors.

If you haven't signed up to freelance on Upwork, now'south the time!

Demand more assist getting started on Upwork? You lot can search for other freelancers on Upwork to get an idea of how people in your industry show their skills and feel. Then, read our guide to getting started on Upwork for more tips.


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