Cute Art Project All About Me and My Family

Tons of doable ideas Kindergarten Rocks!

five year olds are the all-time. I was a kindergarten teacher for many years before I became an fine art teacher.   The kids are and then full of wonder and possibility. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite fine art activities for 5 twelvemonth olds. Some are ones I've washed more recently, and some are oldies but goodies that the kids loved.  Check them out below and if you accept whatever teacher friends, delight share this with them.  Teachers are always in planning mode and looking for fun ideas to kick off the new year  (hopefully later on a very long restful summer suspension.)

These are so much fun!1.  Make Robot Puppets. This is AWESOME.  The kids love it and they love playing with the puppet afterwards even more than.  This is a actually bang-up one for the boys too, which are sometimes a little harder to engage in the art department.  In my experience anyway.

This is such a fun family project to do outside this summer.2. Ballon Bowls – Click through to encounter the vid.  This is really fun and a great keepsake.

Family portraits make the best keepsakes. I can't wait for my girls to do this!3. Family unit Portraits – I think this is really a parent fave than annihilation else.  The kids like it for certain, just the parents love information technology even more.

Design Thinking Projects for Kids - Teach Empathy through design and thinking outside the box4. Marble Run – Marble runs are such a fun project for kids.  They take countless possibilities and in that location are and so many ways to practise them.  Check out this marble run post by Tinkerlab for a peachy how to.

Mini Art Books for Kids - These are cheap and easy to make. They work great for all kinds of art work with kids.five. Mini Art Books – At that place is something nigh minor compartments that kids just honey.  These books were such a hit with my five year old fine art course.  You can make full them with whatever kind of fine art and they are super cheap.  Plus, they make a great art portfolio.

Make an awesome zip line for kids - great STEAM activity you can do with your whole family indoors or outdoors6. Zip line – Do this.  Just exercise this.  The'll love information technology!!  Bang-up summer activeness and science and art philharmonic.

How to Mix Paints with Kids - Step by Stepvii. Paint Mixing – Kindergartners tin can do this pretty much daily and never get tired of it.  Information technology'south just always fascinating to mix colors and come across the changes y'all tin can brand with the smallest adjustments.

self portrait shadow boxeseight. Cocky-Portrait Shadow boxes – This is my personal favorite project for 5 yr olds.  It'southward the best keepsake and the whole procedure is just great.  Highly recommend information technology!  Great gift too.

How to make a robot with tinker trays9. Make Robots with Tinker Trays – I'thou totally in dear with tinker trays for immature kids, particularly kindergartners.  They only love working independently and having the freedom to make their own decisions and choices.

Make a Spin Art Buffet Bar10. Spin Art Buffet – Anything involving the word buffet is kind of awesome and this spin art buffet is no exception.  All the choices and the autonomy of individual salad spinners brand this activeness a home run.  Smashing for play dates and birthday parties too.

kid made necklaces - great sculpey art project for kids11. Sculpey Necklaces – The motion picture doesn't really do these necklaces justice.  It's on my never catastrophe list of things to do – re-photograph these – but in the concurrently, kindergartners totally Dear this project.  It's really fun to employ all the real tools and every kid I know loves sculpey.  For real.

pumpkin party with tinker trays12. Tinker Tray Pumpkins – This is something I will exercise every Halloween flavor forom now until my kids leave the house.  It just rules and the 5 twelvemonth olds I piece of work with made the most incredible pumpkins I have ever seen.  They were just then live and amazing.  This is a class I won't forget.  Totally awesome.

Such a special way to say thank you13. Gratitude Boxes – We make gratitude boxes for all kinds of occasions from Mother'due south Day to Father'south Day and everything in between.  This is such a special way to prove your love.  Slap-up for grandparents besides.  It's a truly meaningful souvenir.

Recycled Shape Artxiv. Recycled Cardboard Fine art –  These are inspired past the artist Marcus Oakley and such a keen process for the kids.  We did paint mixing, shape identifying and worked recycled materials.

How to make washi tape rain sticks with kids

Make rain sticks for kids fifteen. Washi Tape Rain sticks – This is another of one of my all time favorites.  The kids absolutely dear this project.  Everyone was successful.  Each rainstick looked different and unique and all the kids loved doing a rain trip the light fantastic after to assist out honey old California.  A must do!

The. Best. Play. Date. Activity. Ever.16. All-time Play Engagement Activity Ever – This is just such a great sensory activity and the erupting volcanoes are super cool.  Nifty introduction to chemical reactions and the kids can do it over and over over again.

How to do wood working with children of all ages - Fantastic open ended art and design activity for kids17. Forest working – I've down this countless times with 5 year olds and the process and results never stop to astonish me.  Commencement collecting wood odds and ends because this is crawly.

The BEST activity for elementary school kids18. Lotto for Kids – This was one of the all-time things we did ane summer at camp and I'1000 still frustrated because pinterest never gives this post any dearest.  I mean, hours of fun and kids laughing hysterically and full engagement.

ahhh, this is so coolxix. Spin Art Rocks – When nosotros figured this one out, nosotros just did information technology over and once more.  Pure fun.

love this kindergarten projectnineteen. Tissue Newspaper Fine art – This was 1 of the last projects I did with my kindergarten class earlier I inverse jobs.  Information technology was so cute and everyone'south looked so dissimilar.  I beloved this projection.

Alien Army from Sculpey20. Make Alien Army – And lastly, the project that will make me famous 1 day.  Am I allowed to say that?  Information technology actually will though because the awesomeness of this regular army with over 200 members is then freaking awesome, it will anytime be in the hands of children across the world and I can't expect! I don't actually have a slap-up post on information technology but you tin can click the link to find out a picayune more and see the amazing affiche.

five More Kindergarten Gear up Art Activities from some of the Rockin' Fine art Moms

Melted Bead Suncatchers

Melted Crayon Butterflies

Collaborative Painting

Rubber Band Fine art

Spring Fine art with Watercolors

So there you have information technology.  25 art project ideas to make Kindergarten Rock! Thanks for reading along everyone.  Have fun. Meri

Tons of doable ideas


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